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How to cope with fatigue
Tuesday 28th November 2023 at 4pm UK | 11am Eastern | 8am Pacific

I appreciate times are tough and not everyone is able to afford to attend a group programme or sign up for 1:1 coaching and so I offer this webinar as an accessible way to hear my priority guidance around the important basics anyone with fatigue should focus on. 

As a Fatigue Coach, over the past five years I’ve helped hundreds of people improve how they’re living with fatigue, and guided them to an improved place - often helping them to achieve a full recovery. I want to share the most important areas that you should be focussing on, so that you minimise the time spent wondering what on earth you can do to improve your situation.

This event is primarily for those who are in the first 6 months of tackling a fatigue-related health challenge, or those who have been dealing with it for longer than that but haven’t yet received any helpful advice. There are different severities of fatigue and the help I’ll be covering will be of most benefit to those who are struggling enough that they perhaps can’t work or socialise, but who do have some level of activity. For example, able to get up and dressed most days and prepare their own meals on a good day, but have to give lots of planned thought to anything that involves having to leave the house.

In this webinar I’ll be sharing my top pieces of guidance around the most helpful things you can do to cope better with this challenging illness. This will include:

- top tips to start managing your energy levels properly (pacing)
- how to manage the difficult emotions that come with this health challenge
- how to rest
- communicating with those who don’t understand what you’re going through.


The session is an hour and will be recorded and sent to all ticket buyers afterwards. So don’t worry if your energy levels mean you can’t attend the whole event, you can watch the rest on playback.

Although I’m sure you’ll have many questions about your specific situation, I’m afraid I won’t be including a Q&A section at this event. It’s simply not possible to answer detailed questions in this more general setting and I’m keen to keep the session to an hour to ensure it doesn’t get too overly tiring for those attending. But rest assured you’ll get lots of guidance and advice during my presentation, which in itself will answer lots of your questions.

If you have any questions please get in touch: 


(Event is shown in UK (GMT) time - this is a useful site to help you convert it to your local timezone:

Webinar price: £10
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