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Helpful webinar

When a loved one has fatigue...

how to care for them & yourself

Wednesday 25th October 2023 at 7.30pm UK*

This is the latest in a series of 'helpful webinars' that I'm running on a series of topics. My aim with these sessions is to get help out to those who need it, in a very accessible and affordable way.

Why are you running this webinar?

A fatigue-related condition doesn’t only impact the life of the person who is directly experiencing the health challenge, it often changes things for their loved ones too. 

The person you love and care for is still there, they just can’t live the life they used to be able to live - not for now, anyway. It’s very possible for them to achieve improvements and even full recovery, but it takes time, patience and a lot of adjustment.

One of the most important things someone with extreme fatigue must do is reprioritise what they use their valuable energy on. They have to make sensible decisions around what they should do every single day, and that’s bound to impact you too. They might also experience emotional ups and downs that you’re not used to them displaying.

Adjusting to this can be tough for those of you who are supporting them, as can knowing how you can best help them. 

This webinar will help you process how this is affecting your life too, and give you guidance around how to best support your loved one on their recovery journey, while looking after yourself too.

Who is it for?


I’ve helped hundreds of people find ways to improve how they’re living with, and coping with, a fatigue related condition. And along the way I’ve also had the opportunity to support and guide the loved ones of some of these people. This has given me a unique insight and experience, and I'll be sharing my best pieces of advice at this session in order to help those who:

  • want to support their loved ones in the best possible way, but have found themselves feeling a little confused about what they’re going through

  • have found it difficult to accept the changes that have been introduced as a result of their loved one’s fatigue.

What topics will you be covering?

  • Why a fatigue related condition is one of the toughest things for your loved one to find themselves tackling

  • Reassurance that improvements are very achievable (including some real examples)

  • A deeper insight into how your loved one is probably feeling, even though they might not have been able to find the words to explain

  • What your loved one needs to focus on most in order to achieve improvements to their symptoms and overall condition

  • How you can help and support them with this

  • Tools and techniques to help YOU stay positive and calm as your loved one’s fatigue rescue journey continues.

There's a lot to cover, but I'm hoping to leave 15 minutes at the end for a short Q&A. If the demand is there, I'm happy to consider running a subsequent solely for further Q&As.

The event will be recorded and shared with all participants afterwards. So please don't worry if you can't attend while it's happening - you'll be able to watch back at a time that's convenient for you.

*I welcome attendees from the UK & Overseas. The advertised time is UK (GMT) please click here to convert to your local timezone:

Tickets are £10 - secure your place now.
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