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Case study: Successfully managing fatigue as a busy professional















This is some wonderful feedback that I’ve recently received from a client, and I thought it may be of interest to back it up with a short case study.


Kate is a wonderfully vibrant lady with a very demanding senior corporate role that she was trying very hard to continue performing while she tackled her ongoing recovery from the virus.


We set up an initial chat and it was clear that the help she needed most was in creating the best way to pace her activity - juggling the demands of a busy job and family life with the need to balance and protect her energy levels. As I’ve seen time and time again, until someone finds a way to stabilise their energy expenditure, their mind/body system can’t find the calm it needs in order to restore and repair.


Kate signed up for my Pacing Programme - which involved a two-hour deep dive in which we identified a pacing approach that would work for her, and two follow-up sessions to allow her to check-in, ask any questions and review and refine her approach with my continued guidance.


She took her new approach very seriously, which is always lovely to see! I ensure I give maximum value during the sessions I hold, but at the end of the day it’s down to the person themselves to put it all into action and realise the benefits…and Kate had absolutely the right level of commitment. This held her in great stead, as she started to feel the benefits really quite quickly.


The results were clear to see when we held our most recent session - she looked and sounded much more like the person I imagine she was before the virus. She was full of life and enthusiasm and enjoying of having more control over her symptoms. Indeed, she shared that she’d been carrying out her daily check-in on one of the Covid apps, and for the first time in six months was seriously contemplating saying she felt ‘normal’!


These amazing results are all down to Kate herself - her disciplined and consistent focus on what would help is what made such a difference. But it was a privilege to guide her to this approach that was right for her, and answer her questions along the way.


Please get in touch if you’re struggling with extreme fatigue - due to Long Covid or other reasons. I’d love to hear from you and talk about how I might be able to help.




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