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How my Pacing method can help you get the most from your Visible app

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Before watching the video below, please note that it is not supposed to be an explanation of the Visible app, or a review about whether it's worth purchasing. I have absolutely no connection or affiliation with the company that supply it. So please search for them online if you're keen to know more, and do carry out your own research to decide whether it sounds as though it will help.

If, however, you've already signed up for Visible, or are considering upgrading to their paid version, this video will almost certainly be of help. 

I've become very well known for the help I give people in mastering their pacing/energy management approach - please visit this page to see the ways you can access my expertise on this topic. There are no quick wins when it comes to your fatigue recovery journey, but figuring out how to better manage your personal energy limits can often make life feel quite a bit easier fairly quickly. And it helps your system stay within a healing state from where it can hopefully start to achieve improvements to your level of wellness.

Whether you choose to learn about my pacing method, or decide to figure it out a different way, I really encourage you to tackle this area as a priority. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.

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