I'm a Wellness Life Coach who has gained a particular reputation for helping those with Fibromyalgia/ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I’m also experienced in helping people to manage their anxiety levels and positively tackle life’s challenges. Whether you have a pre-existing medical condition or not, if you'd like my help and guidance at this time, please get in touch. www.pamelarose.co.uk
Here in the UK, we’ve just had confirmation that we’ll be in lockdown due to Covid-19 for at least another three weeks. Even if it’s what we expected to hear, for some this will be devastating news as they struggle to cope with the limited freedom and worry that these current times are bringing.
Personally, I feel that I’m coping okay. Don’t get me wrong, it’s far from ideal! I miss my social life, I miss dining out and going to gigs, I miss my family who live 400 miles away in Scotland. But most of the time, I’d like to think I’m dealing with everything remarkably well. And I reckon the subject line of this blog has a lot to do with that!
It’s occurred to me several times over the past few weeks that there are similarities between what we’re all experiencing at the moment, and what I had to deal with when I was really struggling with M.E./Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. And I think that the coping mechanisms I developed then are really coming into play now. Who’d have thought that one of the benefits of my health issue would be that I’d be great at dealing with the most surreal and unsettling time our country has experienced in decades!
So, in the hope that it will help others, over the coming days I plan to share the things that I believe are helping me through this lockdown. Specifically, the coping techniques that I learned while tackling my health issues all those years ago. These are practical suggestions that will be of interest to anyone tackling a chronic illness, but I also hope they will help those who are lucky enough to be in good health but are struggling to deal with the Covid-19 lockdown.
I like to keep my blogs fairly short, as it can be tiring to read a long article if your energy levels are compromised. So this is an initial introduction and a preview of the themes I’ll cover in subsequent blogs over the coming days:
- Coping when housebound
- Dealing with anxiety
- Stopping worst case scenario thoughts
- Handling ongoing uncertainty
- Maintaining relationships and friendships
- Practicing gratitude
These are all topics that I’m sure will resonate with most people at the moment - healthy or not. And I hope that by sharing what helped me, I can help you too.
So look out for my next blog on Saturday, and until then please get in touch if you’d like to find out how I can help you as a Wellness Life Coach.
Stay safe,
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